
Hi Thanks for dropping by and having a look. Hope you enjoy my photos and stories as much as i enjoyed living them!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sweet Simon

I had so much fun with this little guy today.  He just never stopped smiling!  I have taken photos of this little cutie since he was just a few days old.  It comes in handy that he lives just a few houses down from me.  Mom wanted some shots like the ones I took of her 2 older sons a sort of high key with simon playing with something.  Its always fun to do but when the really get comfortable ...they really start to play!  So much energy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deborah! Thank you for visiting my blog, sorry it took so long to responed to your comment! It's been crazy busy in my world and I kind of took a break. Anway, I actually use my kit lens alot more then the others, it's a 18-55mm, but I find my self using my 55-200mm alot more. I've also started playing around with the 50mm prime and so far so good! Hope that helps!
    Love your pictures!
