
Hi Thanks for dropping by and having a look. Hope you enjoy my photos and stories as much as i enjoyed living them!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Finn a few days at old and at home.  I just love how him and the dragon are sharing the same smile!

Fix it friday Number 89

This was a really nice capture.  I just love the colors in the chairs.This picture was loaned to us to use for our Fix it friday from I heart faces!  I had some free time so I did a few this morning.

The top photo is my basic edit work flow with
 no actions used except a free one for his skin. The bottom is the original sooc.

In these next 2 I have used actions to enhance the photos.  The bottom was to have a sort of vintage look.  I am not sure I captured a vintage look?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Last I did a texturte and a black and white just for fun.  I have not been useing textures long and I find them really lots of fun.  I have trouble with black and white conversions and I am never sure if i like it or not.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am hoping to re do our living room.  I would really love a collection of prints for our walls as I have nothing on them ATM.  So I have been going over some older photos and hope to get a nice group together. This is my daughter holding my day old son for the first time.